Delivering Dignity

Delivering Education

We, at the Nigama foundation, are proud to play a part in delivering accessible and transformative education to those children who would benefit most from it. We support schools and STEM institutions through a range of initiatives, like providing school supplies, enhancement of school infrastructure and more.

Delivering Care

"Blessed are those who plant trees under whose shade they will never sit”. Whilst our decisions necessarily consider the future, we look back to those who planted the trees we now enjoy. The Nigama foundation proudly invests in a variety of ventures aimed at the care and upkeep of the elderly in our society

Delivering Respect

Our efforts work towards elevating the lives of those with mental and physical disabilities. Our projects tackle complex stigmas in society and aim to provide economic and social investment to offer those with disabilities to have long and fulfilling lives.                                                                      


At the Nigama Foundation, as the philanthropic arm of the Indotronix Avani Group and Ceipal, we recognize our role and the responsibility that comes with it. The social responsibilities of businesses have meaning only in relation to the values and goals which we seek from the economic system. We have pledged $100,000 per annum with quarterly Corporate Social Responsibility drives. We sponsor the education of 50 children yearly, paying for their uniforms and school supplies. The betterment of society by developing education is one of our core values. As our organisation continues to expand, we see ourselves investing in our values of care and respect, fulfilling our company’s aim of delivering dignity to all.


We are committed to the development of education and care for those members of our communities who need it the most. We aim to build a more equitable world by delivering dignity one person at a time.


Number of Charities


Number of Beneficiaries


Number of Volunteers


Number of years served


We are committed to the development of education and care for those members of our communities who need it the most. We aim to build a more equitable world by delivering dignity one person at a time.


The Nigama Foundation recognizes the responsibility that comes with its position and is in committed conversation with the communities its programs affect. This is to ensure that each of its decisions are ethical, respect the needs of the community they will serve and consider the ramifications they might have on the future.


“It is stated in the Bhagavad Gita by Lord Krishna that one must serve without expectations. One must perform one’s duties but are not entitled to their fruits. The Nigama Foundation embodies this principle, investing in change without expectation but rather with the boundless hope that we are able to play a small role in building a better world for those who will follow us.”


Sameer Penakalapati



We all are very happy that the auditorium constructed by NIGAMA FOUNDATION at our college campus is very useful. We use it to conduct daily prayers, seminars, college functions, study hours and college examinations. The auditorium is a great achievement and memorable history for the college profile. We appreciate your team for providing us such a fantastic auditorium. The college staff and students admire the dedication of entire NIGAMA team.
Our sincere thanks to the Nigama Foundation and the continued cooperation since.

N. Mamatha

Uravakonda Jr College, Ananthapur
Dec 2023

My heartfelt gratitude for the financial support for the medical emergency from Nigama Foundation. Your generosity has made a significant impact on my life, relieving a burden and allowing me to address pressing needs. I am sincerely thankful for the timely assistance and commitment to positive change.


Indotronix, Hyderabad
Jan 2024

We are especially grateful to NIGAMA FOUNDATION for their thoughtful support, benefitting not only our High School Students but also those who are differently abled, including students with hearing and speech impairments. The provision of Computers, Exam planks, Pencil Pouch , and a complete set of School supplies is fostering inclusivity and ensuring that every student has the resources necessary for their education. Thank you, NIGAMA FOUNDATION, for making education accessible to all.

R. Srinivasa Rao

GVMC High School, Vishakapatnam
Jan 2024

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